We LOVE Our Supporters
Our Donors:
Thank you all for donating!!
Fishing Inspires Special Hearts (F.I.S.H.) is a non-profit charity organization
Platinum Bobbers ($1,000 or more):
Mystic Ponds Estate
Tommy Dock Products LLC
Smiling John's Christmas Trees LLC
Stephanie Spaeth Realtor, NextHome Hub City
Rutzen Survey Services
Whites Custom Venison Cutting
Walleye Warriors Outdoors
Gold Bobbers ($500):
Chase Outdoors
ATL Photography
Greater GreenBay Community Foundation
Daves County Market
Silver Bobbers ($250):
Lori Studinski (In memory of my dad, Les Lange, who always took me fishing!!)
Dugout Bar- Baron & Katie Proft
Aluminum Fabricated Products
Northwoods Enterprises LLC (In memory of Bob Mootz)
Taps & Tackle Co.
Karter's Kindness Kampaign
Wings Over Wisconsin
Timberwolf Construction
Bob & Tina White (Bob- for my best friend Billy Grefe; Tina- in memory of Butch who loved fishing!)
Neil & Mary Wright
Lance & LuAnn Connor
David & Deb Lutze (in memory of my best friend & father James Lutze)
Amie & Richard Tolbert
Associated Bank
Bronze Bobbers ($100):
Michele & Jason Wright
Kenny & Jean Bores
TLC- Trishia, Lucy and Chris Cangelosi (Our first donors from Hawaii!)
PumpHero- Steve, Inge and Anya Plautz
Barb and Brian Haffemann
Eric & Jill Scheppler
Pelican Piers
Marathon Label
Lincoln County Professional Deputies Association
David Wirth- Rylyn & Blakely Hanish
Adam & Leah Sliwa ( In memory of our son, Cole Robert Adam Sliwa)
Lincoln County Anglers
Park City Credit Union
Alyssa Schneider
Rosie Muchala
Northland Fishing Tackle
Stacy and Dan Biesel (in memory of David Becker)
Dwight and Linda Dendy (in memory of David Becker)
Laura Bath
Deb Huber and Jessica Weisman
Greg & Becky Schneider
Kim Nabbefeld
Donna Spangler
Nancy Raddatz
Family Farms
Jason and Amanda Kornberger